Is this the missing ingredient?

Have you ever paused to consider why you do what you do?

I'm not talking about the obvious reasons like paying bills or chasing success. I mean the deeper, more meaningful purpose that gets you out of bed each morning, excited to start your day.

A purpose that makes you wonder why you would even want to think about retirement.

It's something that I've been thinking about a lot lately, as it has been a difficult year on many levels.

There are many tools that you can use to help you find your purpose, and I will undoubtedly discuss many of them as I incorporate the best of them into the Business GPS that I give to my clients.

Recently, I've been looking at the fascinating Japanese concept of 'ikigai'.

It's a beautiful idea that could completely change how you approach your business. I particularly like it because it's holistic - which is great for people with a business of one because the nature of our work often means that life and business are intertwined.

It's about finding that sweet spot where your passions, skills, the world's needs, and financial viability all come together.

It sounds almost too good to be true, but it doesn't have to be.

Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, in their book "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life", suggest that having a clear ikigai brings satisfaction, happiness, and meaning to our lives.

I would suggest that if you are working on your own and juggling a myriad of responsibilities like managing your business operations, meeting client needs, overseeing household duties, ensuring family care, and finding time for personal well-being, having a clear Ikigai - your reason for being - becomes essential to navigate these complexities and demands with purpose and fulfilment.

As the Internet Economy grows over the coming years, this will give you a huge advantage. (I'll write out this more in a future email, but essentially if you are using the internet in your business, you are a part of the internet economy.)

So, how can we apply this to our online businesses?

Here's a little exercise for you:

  1. Grab a cuppa and a notepad.
  2. Jot down your thoughts on these four questions:

  • What aspects of your work genuinely light you up?
  • What unique skills or perspectives do you bring to the table?
  • What pressing needs can your work address?
  • How can you make your offerings financially sustainable?

The magic happens where your answers intersect. That's where you'll find the key to your purpose-driven business. And when you find that, the desire to retire fades.

Let's face it: if you are getting paid to do what you love, why would you want to retire?

What I didn't expect was how this would influence my business strategy in such a positive way.

If you want to dig deeper into this, I've written about my favourite Big Ideas from "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" in this Flourish Note.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Hit reply and let me know what you discover about your ikigai.

Before I sign off, here's a quick round-up of the Flourish Gems since my last email:

Want an easy productivity boost? Discover how integrating gentle movement can boost productivity and well-being whilst combatting the "sitting is the new smoking" phenomenon.

In this Gem we take a look at unlocking purpose in the Internet Economy.

And the most recent Flourish Gem is about thriving as a Sovereign Individual.

Wishing you a week full of purpose and productivity!

Until next time


P.S. If you found this email helpful, why not forward it to a friend who might enjoy it too?

Louise Beattie

Forge & Flourish

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Louise Beattie | Forge & Flourish

Live a better life, grow a better business doing the work you love. I offer actionable insights on harnessing AI and personal development techniques to create value and achieve your ideal work-life integration. Join me for guidance, inspiration, and support as you grow your business of one. ECrafting my optimal life & business of one. Curious minds, join the adventure

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