
Louise Beattie | Forge & Flourish

Live a better life, grow a better business doing the work you love. I offer actionable insights on harnessing AI and personal development techniques to create value and achieve your ideal work-life integration. Join me for guidance, inspiration, and support as you grow your business of one. ECrafting my optimal life & business of one. Curious minds, join the adventure

short-coated brown dog sit beside person wearing white tank top near beach during daytime
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Can Letting Go of Old Dreams Lead to Success?

How do you define success in your personal and business life? It's an important question because you can't create your ideal business without answering it. Yet too many people end up being boxed into someone else's idea of success. Even if you haven't nailed down your definition of success, don't let that hold you back from launching or scaling your business. You can adapt and grow along the way, ensuring your journey remains fulfilling. Why? The process may involve sleepless nights and...

What a ride 2024 has been! It's felt like a rollercoaster, and yet, I wouldn't change a thing - and I'll tell you why further down. We recently faced a health scare with our 14yr old dog Midge, three weeks of worry and two tense days with IV fluids. That was tough after saying goodbye to Duke just five months ago. But I’m thrilled to share that Midge is doing well—a big weight off my shoulders. Amidst these challenges, there have also been incredible highs. This year has ushered in so much...

Today, I want to share a very useful tool with you, my gift. But before that a personal story that highlights a crucial aspect of building a successful business: truly understanding your client avatar. My beloved dog Midge recently celebrated her 14th birthday. While it was a happy occasion (for me, anyway; I think Midge wondered what was going on), it came with an unexpected challenge. Midge had developed a tooth infection, and we've been trying to treat it for the past four weeks....

woman sitting on sofa while holding food for dog

In today's fast-paced world, solo and small business owners often need to juggle multiple roles without the support structure of larger organisations. The challenges can be overwhelming, but there's a powerful ally at your disposal: Artificial Intelligence (AI). I prefer to think of it as Augmented Intelligence, which can become a superpower that gives you a massively unfair advantage. However, most people are missing out on this because their use of AI barely scratches the surface of its...

woman in white long sleeve shirt holding blue card

Have you ever paused to consider why you do what you do? I'm not talking about the obvious reasons like paying bills or chasing success. I mean the deeper, more meaningful purpose that gets you out of bed each morning, excited to start your day. A purpose that makes you wonder why you would even want to think about retirement. It's something that I've been thinking about a lot lately, as it has been a difficult year on many levels. There are many tools that you can use to help you find your...

Golden Retriever lying on bed

Imagine a world where your skills and creativity are your most valuable assets, and you have the freedom to shape your career on your own terms. According to LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, this future isn't just possible—it's inevitable. By 2034, the traditional job market as we know it may well be extinct. But far from being a doomsday scenario, this shift presents an unprecedented opportunity for those ready to embrace change and carve out their own path in the creator and internet...

Picture this: You're sitting at your desk, surrounded by a sea of sticky notes, each screaming for attention. Your inbox is overflowing, your to-do list seems endless, and that shiny new course you've been eyeing tempts you with promises of instant success.Sound familiar?It's all too easy to fall into the trap of chasing every opportunity that comes our way. But what if I told you that the key to unlocking true freedom and success lies not in doing more but in doing less?Enter the power of...

A couple of days ago, I introduced Flourish Gems - bite-size distilled wisdom and inspiration - something that I have wanted to create for a while. Now that I have a good workflow, I intend to create multiple gems each week. I appreciate that you may not want me in your inbox more regularly. Therefore, towards the end of this email, you can let me know if you would like me to send you these as I create them or if you would prefer a weekly round-up. I'm going to get started talking about...

empty concrete road covered surrounded by tall tress with sun rays

Louise here. I'm delighted to introduce you to something I have wanted to do for a while now: Flourish Gems, bite-sized bits of wisdom designed just for you. Let's begin with a question… What would your business journey look like if you made one tiny, powerful optimisation today? And then another tomorrow… And the next day… Gem by Gem. Step by step. These small but mighty optimisations add up over time, creating a ripple effect of positive change in your business and life. Day by day. Week by...

DOH! I sent you an email earlier, and although I thought that I had edited the link when copying and pasting from Notion, it would seem that I didn't do this correctly!So here is the correct link to the article, and I've corrected it in the email below: for needing to resend, enjoy the weekend! Do you ever feel like an invisible barrier stops you from achieving the success you...