
Hi, I'm Louise

Guide & Coach, at Forge & Flourish

For solo business owners seeking an independent income doing the work they love for people they care about, I help time-conscious solopreneurs forge a path towards financial independence without sacrificing time freedom or personal growth. At Forge & Flourish, I offer actionable strategies, insightful resources, and inspiring stories that empower you to build a purposeful and fulfilling business, all while crafting the life you've always envisioned.

woman holding green leafed seedling

Growing, Changing, Thriving: Embracing a Life Unleashed and Unbound

Welcome to this Forge & Flourish Newsletter for people creating an independent doing the work they love in service of people they care about. If you would rather not receive these emails or would like to unsubscribe from everything, you'll find the links to update your preferences in the footer of this email. It's easier said than done - creating a life and a business that's unmistakably yours. More of an art form than a science. It's something that I've been working on, and at times...

5 months ago • 3 min read
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

Unlock Business Success with This One Overlooked Strategy

Welcome to this Flourish Newsletter for people creating an independent doing the work they love in service of people they care about. If you would rather not receive these emails or would like to unsubscribe from everything, you'll find the links to update your preferences in the footer of this email. I hope this email finds you well. Today, I want to share something that could fundamentally change how you approach your business, especially if you're a solopreneur or a small business owner....

6 months ago • 2 min read
a close up of a cell phone screen with the g bard logo in the background

Why I’m Embracing AI 🤖, plus Crafting Stories That Engage 😍

Welcome to this Flourish Newsletter for people creating an independent doing the work they love in service of people they care about. If you would rather not receive these emails or would like to unsubscribe from everything, you'll find the links to update your preferences in the footer of this email. Louise here, and I can't believe it's Friday already! Okay, well, it was when I started writing this. It's now Monday... 🤦🏽♀️ A good lesson I've learned is not to be too hard on myself when I...

9 months ago • 5 min read
two person standing on gray tile paving

The Power of A Pause: My 3-Month Break and Branding Insights

It’s been a while but I’m thrilled to be reconnecting after an unplanned 3-month intermission. Outwardly I may appear to have been eerily silent, but behind the scenes, much has been happening. Apart from the obvious, like the rebrand that you may have noticed, I have been doing a lot of strategic work on my business and diving deep into how I can create more value in a way that makes a difference and empowers solopreneurs and small business owners to achieve their goals and dreams. A.I. has...

9 months ago • 4 min read
black pug inside red car

Don't Forget to Enjoy the Ride

Building your business from the ground up can be all consuming if we are not careful. And often those around us don’t understand our motivations or just how hard what we are doing is so we can end up with tunnel vision. And when that happens we can get so caught up in our work, what we are trying to achieve, that we we lose sight of what's truly important. In my own life, I've noticed that even though I started my business to enjoy a good life with my family and dogs, I sometimes become...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read
MacBook Pro near white open book

Probably the most costly mistake I’ve made in business

This has to be the most costly mistake I’ve made in business. Letting outside influences sway me from the path that was right for me. There was no one instance, but a combination of direct advice and the influences around me, what I was seeing other people do. And it has cost me so much in terms of time, effort and money over the years. But it has also been a great gift, as I’ve learned so much through that experience that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. I alluded to one event that...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read
enjoy a lifestyle business

Be careful who you listen to...

That moment when you realise that even that it’s been nearly two months… … and wonder what happened. How has it been two months… since I wrote an email to my subscribers? even longer since I posted regularly on social media? and I’ve only published one blog post in that time and longer! The truth is, doing next to nothing to grow my audience and business this year has been intentional, even if I got a bit of a shock when I realised that it has been for two months. And the only reason that...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read
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